Paper-Woven Circuits
We propose an approach to integrate electronics into a paper-woven craft. A paper-woven structure is formed by alternately and orthogonally weaving paper strips. The key idea is to add conductive layers to these strips by printing or transferring conductive materials. Our approach enables us to form the skeleton of an object and its wiring and sensor arrangement simultaneously. We explore the creative space of this approach, i.e., integrating functions such as sensing, display, and sound amplification into objects, for leveraging the paper-woven structure. We also outline the workflow of the approach, introduce a design support tool, and discuss example applications that combine the electronic-enabled functionality and woven structure.
Kunihiro Kato*, Kaori Ikematsu*, Yuki Igarashi, and Yoshihiro Kawahara. Paper-Woven Circuits: Fabrication Approach for Papercraft-based Electronic Devices. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI'22), Article No.11, pp.1–11, (2022). (*joint first authors) [DOI] [Video] [Presentation Video]